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The rhythm in patterns

I used to love working with printed and woven patterns, but haven’t worked with these textiles for some time, just hadn’t come across ones that... grabbed me. I had also frankly kept away intentionally, reason being how could I make a print I’ve bought from Lord knows how many meters roll and available throughout fabric stores worldwide… how can that be special or different. My absolute worst nightmare is making a stunning dress in a chosen print, and I run into the same print made into may be something else…cushions may be :/


So, the issue here is essentially control…I want to know that the 5 or 10 pieces I’ll make with that print are as exclusive. Until I happened to find myself in a space where I’m surrounded by nature constantly, where I’m seeing patterns everywhere around me, a reminder of how patterns are innate to African creative expression, likewise the realisation that control is an illusion! How these prints and patterns have been made into garments and enhanced and who will wear & embody them is what will set them apart.


In my most recent fabric trawls all I could see, all I’m currently falling for are prints and patterns, and that is very prominent in this drop of a handful of pieces.

I then also found this article and it made me feel like my sidestep into pattern isn’t misguided nostalgia, but it feels almost fated. The author of this linked article describes print & pattern inspiration in the most beautiful way: “I see pattern making in Africa as an innate thing, akin to rhythm” I mean! how poetic! totally in tune to the GoodFriday design journey, looking back to move forward fully aware of our rich creative history.

Marrying both my passions of textiles, music and a collective African cultural memory, sublime!

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